
Poor and Homeless in the Sunshine State by James D. Wright
Poor and Homeless in the Sunshine State by James D. Wright

Poor and Homeless in the Sunshine State by James D. Wright

A basic reference on the state of homlessness today in the US. They successfully link research findings in Orlando and Miami to homelessness throughout the US. Drawing on many years of quantitative and qualitative research, the authors present important topics, including the deleterious effects of shelter life, the realities of homelessness on women and children, life in the woods for the homeless living alone or in encampments, the elderly homeless, and efforts to house homeless individuals, primarily through the Housing First model. of Central Florida) begin with the high hopes that Disney World brought to central Florida in 1971, then explore the often hidden world of people living in poverty and homelessness in Disney World's shadow. "Sociologists Wright and Donley (both, Univ. Here the term is used in a more expansive sense, as synonymous with anyone who lives near, at, or over the edge of financial catastrophe.

Poor and Homeless in the Sunshine State by James D. Wright

The phrase down and out, has been used to describe people who are destitute or penniless since the late nineteenth century.

Poor and Homeless in the Sunshine State by James D. Wright

This book is primarily about the dark side of this portrait-the poor, near-poor, homeless, and dispossessed who live in the midst of this verdant landscape. They are modern members of Ellison's invisible men but they comprise a racial and social mixture unlike any other in the American landscape. Meanwhile the homeless are reduced to advocacy models that neither middle- nor working-class folks much worry about. The rest of the local population makes its peace with the system. The homeless arrive with their own hopes and illusions, which are soon shattered. A place like Orlando, Florida is not transformed from swampland to sprawling metropolis through Peter Pan-like flights of fancy, but through theme park expansions requiring developmental schemes that are tough minded and often worsen relationships between the wealthy and the poor.

Poor and Homeless in the Sunshine State by James D. Wright